Downloads: AMD Dual Core Optimizer

AMD Dual Core Optimizer


  • Filesize: 4.538 Mb
  • Views: 1391
  • Downloads: 494
  • Created: March 31, 2012, 06:03:27 AM
  • Last accessed: April 12, 2024, 02:29:05 PM
Rating: (Rates: 0)

Please DO NOT install this optimizer unless you are having troubles in MTA with accelerated frames or you are going faster than everyone and you know you have a AMD dual core/quad core CPU.

I do not know what will happen if you do install it on anything else other than an AMD dual core/quad core CPU, SiK cannot be held responsible and neither can I if your computer breaks.

You should definitely try resetting your handling.cfg file first even if you suspect this is the problem, just in-case.
