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Messages - Wolfen

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Denied Or Left Applications / Re: BurN's application
« on: February 08, 2019, 10:39:03 AM »
You're undeniably highly skilled, although your loyalty is questionable but let's see what will happen, I think you deserve a chance so Yes!

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: CaverN join request
« on: January 21, 2019, 10:28:25 AM »
I think you showed the doubters! Yes, of course!  ;)

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: [SiK] DD squad ?
« on: January 14, 2019, 10:20:01 AM »
I see, but why did you choose SiK in specific? We neither have a DD server, nor DD players.
To be honest, you would have much more chance at a DD specialized clan that has both of the aforementioned factors.
I guess it would be easy for you guys to enter such a team with your experience and skills.

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: [SiK] DD squad ?
« on: January 13, 2019, 04:36:54 PM »
What do you mean by "our labor is destroyed even in a single day"?

Why did you pick SiK and why not a clan that already has DD server and players?

What do you think of people who only play DD just for fun?

By the way, I have nothing personally against you, I'd just like to fully understand this situation.

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: [SiK] DD squad ?
« on: January 12, 2019, 06:29:37 PM »
The fact that you didn't really support your point regarding the DD - Race duality problem and that you didn't answer my questions doesn't show me that you've thoroughly thought through this whole idea.

There are some things that I still don't understand and I'd like to ask you here so that others can see it as well.

Based on the videos and what you said, we can say your squad is very successful.
Why do you need to be in SiK? What would you gain from it?
And also, why would it be beneficial for SiK?

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: [SiK] DD squad ?
« on: January 12, 2019, 01:19:52 PM »
So, as far as I understand it correctly, you and your friends (all 3 or 4 of you) want to join SiK and you would like to lead the DD section of SiK but with no further SiK members joining your squad within SiK. Correct me if I'm wrong.

About CoDEx and the problems I encountered, having both race & DD players within one clan makes it very difficult to keep everything in balance and keep everything under control. If one side is stronger or more popular than the other, the section with fewer people needs to be closed or it will just die out. If the two sides (DD & Race) are equally balanced, both having many active players and even separate sub-leaders, then a split can easily happen, resulting in a new clan and both clans will only have 1 game mode. Or you may have two different squads being under the same clan but totally separated, and there's hardly any contact between the two factions. Obviously, there's no point in doing such a thing.

None of these possibilities has a good outcome. In most cases, one side will ultimately become stronger than the other and one of them will come to an end. An acceptable relationship of this DD - Race mixture would be if all members played both game modes, then the two different sides would meet more regularly and it wouldn't be a huge separation. Unfortunately, this scenario is pretty idealistic, as you've already mentioned it's rare to have someone, who can excel in 2 (or even more) game modes. There are some players but clearly not everybody can do that. Eventually, the vast majority of players only play the game mode they enjoy the most (it's simple as that). Specialization (for example SiK is specialized in racing) has its advantages and drawbacks but it's obviously more lucrative than being good at more things. (You have higher chance of becoming successful if you focus on only one thing.)

Also, you mentioned that "it's important to be good at every gamemode". You seem to be an expert of DD but are you good in Race as well?

Multi Theft Auto Discussion / Re: [SiK] DD squad ?
« on: January 12, 2019, 08:05:07 AM »
I agree with Juanka, a clan member could rightfully propose to create a DD squad and maybe even lead it but since you aren't a member (yet), you can only just suggest it (of course you can do it) but it would be more effective if you were a member first. As Juanka said SiK is a racing clan, so you would need to meet the racing requirements to join.

About the idea itself, I'm on the opposing side, mainly because I have previous experience related to this matter - I was the leader of CoDEx, a half-race, half-DD team (I guess I don't need to tell you how it ended :P ). Having more gamemodes within a clan results in many issues to deal with and it might result in a split or closing one of the squads/servers. I closed CoDEx mostly because of the duality of race and DD; other example is TC which decided to get rid of its racing team.

In any case, congrats for your successes in DD, doing it competitively in a high level isn't easy  ;)
I wish you and your mates all the best, but I don't think your idea will lead to anything good for SiK in the long run.

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: FirsTT JOIN REQUEST
« on: January 07, 2019, 11:31:11 AM »
What can I say? I haven't seen you on SiK server in the past few months. I don't know about others but the last time I met you in MTA was around September/October.
Your activity on forums isn't convincing either, looking at your previous visit (3 January) and your late reaction message (1 week later) after you got accepted as SiKr. You may have great skills but if you're not active enough, it just can't be helped.
I'm sorry, NO!

Accepted Applications / Re: sur1k's application
« on: January 05, 2019, 08:22:14 PM »
You know, because of your old videos made on another server I was hesitant first, but after racing with you I believe you deserve to be in, you have some serious skills.
I'm glad you put on another video which is a recent one and was made on SiK server. I need to add to the last video (since I was also there) that this was just a random map so to pull that time off with only one go is quite impressive!
You should keep up this activity and stunning performance and it'll be all fine.
I'll give you a Yes.

Accepted Applications / Re: Dade application
« on: December 29, 2018, 11:03:46 AM »
I'll vote Yes!

Accepted Applications / Re: Wolfen's Application
« on: December 17, 2018, 10:28:39 AM »
Thanks guys!  :D

Accepted Applications / Re: Wolfen's Application
« on: December 15, 2018, 02:27:21 PM »
Thank you guys! It's a real honour to join you! It's my turn now to prove my worthiness! ;)

Accepted Applications / Re: Wolfen's Application
« on: December 14, 2018, 10:47:09 AM »
Wow! I'm really surprised!  :o
Thanks to all of you!  :)

Accepted Applications / Wolfen's Application
« on: December 13, 2018, 05:00:55 PM »
1 - Real name - Péter Büki

2 - Gaming name - Wolfen, WolfenWerde

3 - Games you play - HoTS, AoE3, MTA

4 - Previous or current clans:
Why did you leave them?
CoDEx -  I was the leader but I closed the team, since I didn't have enough time to deal with the relevant issues of the clan and failed to solve the recurring problems, so at that time the only option seemed to be putting an end to that story.  In hindsight, that wasn't the best solution but there isn't anything I can do about it now.
2RT - Only few members remained, the team became very inactive. Also, some guys that aren't in 2RT gained rights on 2paq server and can do whatever they want. It was irritating after a while.

5 - Country of residence: Hungary

6 - Age: 25

7 - Computer Specs - GPU: Nvidia GeForce 940MX, CPU: Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM: 8 GB 

8 - Why will you be a good addition to SiK:
Firstly, I'm active most of the times. Secondly, I have good relationships with some of the members (at least I hope so :P). Finally, I fight / race till the very end. I'm fully aware that I still need to improve in order to be accepted into the clan but I can feel I'm going in the right direction, also I've already got some help from a bunch of SiK members how to race on certain maps so thanks for that!

9 - Video of your racing:


10 - PM your serial to admins: Mission accomplished!

11 - Anything else you can think of that will be relevant:
I heard a lot from you back in the days when I first got into racing, I knew about SiK as one of the best racing clans in MTA and that's definitely the case today as well. However, in 2016 I got somewhat close to SiK, as I played 2 funwars against you guys in May 2016 (as a CoDEx member) & in August 2016 (as still a CoDEx member but this time helping the 2RT guys to get 5 players against SiKr squad).
This way I got to know some members and I also played on SiK server during that summer. After that I only played occasionally and then I took a break from MTA starting from April 2017 and I returned in June this year. Nowadays, I play mostly on SiK server, I meet you guys from time to time and it's great to race you, I enjoy these races!
It would be an honour if I could join this legendary clan. To be honest, I was thinking about making an application to SiK 2 years ago but I was such a noob back then that I wouldn't have any chance so I didn't  even give it a try. I believe that now I'm better than when I was in CoDEx (though I know that's not a spectacular accomplishment :P ).
I've already learnt a few things from you and I'd like to get even better.
You know I had a 1 year off when I wasn't active at all, I got bored of the game. I had no motivation at that time but I do have an aim now, first of all, to join you. It's not an easy task, so that's why I kept playing and practicing too to reach my goal.
If you asked me why didn't I apply for a clan which I'd have had better chance to join, well, there's no challenge in that, and not much motivation either in the long time. Also, your team has all the 4 components which I believe are essential for a clan: competitiveness, activity, good atmosphere and a great server.

12 - Did you read the rules fully and understand them? Yes, totally.

13 - Paste the answer from the question: [PHS] PotholeStudios

14 - Skype - You can find me by typing my name: Péter Büki.
Although, I prefer using Discord, here's my username and tag just in case: Wolfen #9301

*Special thanks to ReVenGe & KacPower for helping me in my training and huge thanks to MegasXLR for recording all of the videos for my application!

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