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Topics - Wolfen

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Accepted Applications / Wolfen's Application
« on: December 13, 2018, 05:00:55 PM »
1 - Real name - Péter Büki

2 - Gaming name - Wolfen, WolfenWerde

3 - Games you play - HoTS, AoE3, MTA

4 - Previous or current clans:
Why did you leave them?
CoDEx -  I was the leader but I closed the team, since I didn't have enough time to deal with the relevant issues of the clan and failed to solve the recurring problems, so at that time the only option seemed to be putting an end to that story.  In hindsight, that wasn't the best solution but there isn't anything I can do about it now.
2RT - Only few members remained, the team became very inactive. Also, some guys that aren't in 2RT gained rights on 2paq server and can do whatever they want. It was irritating after a while.

5 - Country of residence: Hungary

6 - Age: 25

7 - Computer Specs - GPU: Nvidia GeForce 940MX, CPU: Intel Core i5 7200U, RAM: 8 GB 

8 - Why will you be a good addition to SiK:
Firstly, I'm active most of the times. Secondly, I have good relationships with some of the members (at least I hope so :P). Finally, I fight / race till the very end. I'm fully aware that I still need to improve in order to be accepted into the clan but I can feel I'm going in the right direction, also I've already got some help from a bunch of SiK members how to race on certain maps so thanks for that!

9 - Video of your racing:


10 - PM your serial to admins: Mission accomplished!

11 - Anything else you can think of that will be relevant:
I heard a lot from you back in the days when I first got into racing, I knew about SiK as one of the best racing clans in MTA and that's definitely the case today as well. However, in 2016 I got somewhat close to SiK, as I played 2 funwars against you guys in May 2016 (as a CoDEx member) & in August 2016 (as still a CoDEx member but this time helping the 2RT guys to get 5 players against SiKr squad).
This way I got to know some members and I also played on SiK server during that summer. After that I only played occasionally and then I took a break from MTA starting from April 2017 and I returned in June this year. Nowadays, I play mostly on SiK server, I meet you guys from time to time and it's great to race you, I enjoy these races!
It would be an honour if I could join this legendary clan. To be honest, I was thinking about making an application to SiK 2 years ago but I was such a noob back then that I wouldn't have any chance so I didn't  even give it a try. I believe that now I'm better than when I was in CoDEx (though I know that's not a spectacular accomplishment :P ).
I've already learnt a few things from you and I'd like to get even better.
You know I had a 1 year off when I wasn't active at all, I got bored of the game. I had no motivation at that time but I do have an aim now, first of all, to join you. It's not an easy task, so that's why I kept playing and practicing too to reach my goal.
If you asked me why didn't I apply for a clan which I'd have had better chance to join, well, there's no challenge in that, and not much motivation either in the long time. Also, your team has all the 4 components which I believe are essential for a clan: competitiveness, activity, good atmosphere and a great server.

12 - Did you read the rules fully and understand them? Yes, totally.

13 - Paste the answer from the question: [PHS] PotholeStudios

14 - Skype - You can find me by typing my name: Péter Büki.
Although, I prefer using Discord, here's my username and tag just in case: Wolfen #9301

*Special thanks to ReVenGe & KacPower for helping me in my training and huge thanks to MegasXLR for recording all of the videos for my application!

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