1 - Real Name:
Ruud2 - Gaming name:
Sexmanic3 - Games you play:
MTA, GTA4, Red Faction, Tomb Raider4 - Country of residence:
The Netherlands5 - Age:
30+ 6 - Computer Specs
Processor: i5
8GBHard Drive:
Internal 2TB, external 500GB, online 100GBVideo Card:
gForce GTX 550 TiMonitor: iiyama
E2407HDS (24?)Sound Card:
LogitechOperating System:
Windows 7 professional7 - Think you would make a good admin? Tell us why? Was a admin on several other game servers, and on SiK I?m already a player admin.
8 - Video of: Sorry, I don?t have a video, but a screenshot. I hope this is ok:
8a ? Wu zi mu is:
2:169 - Anything else you can think of that will be relevant: It took some while, now I?m good enough it?s time to join a growing and beautiful clan, and I like to be part of it! I hope I may join.