Today I played with [SiK]RaO and I asked him if SiK wants to play with =FoX= clan ClanWar.
He answered me, that you have never played any clan war before, so I am going to write you here some rules and how it works.
*ClanWar play two clan with same number of players (optimal is 5 versus 5).
*Each clan choose same number of maps (at race clan war normally 5 or 10 maps - depent if you want play each map 1 time or 2 times)
map should be some normal like custom race maps - no skill or lucky (dinghy falls) maps*About GM we can discuss, but we rather play with turned GM ON
*We can also discuss point system - we prefer this: 1st place (4 points), 2nd place (2 points), 3rd place (1 point)
you get point just if you finish raceClan with more points is winner
If you agree with CW, than we can decide date etc. We have VPS server, so we can start private server just for this CW.
If you have any question, you can write me on skype (honzik999) or xfire (fulerster) or you can visit our sites