Real Name: Mike
Gaming name: C3n4
Games you play: MTA ; SA:MP
Country of residence: Romania
Age: 17
Computer Specs: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6550 @ 2.33GHz
Memory: 2.00GB of RAM DDR 2
Hard Drive: 180 GB
Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 3450 512.0 MB
Monitor: Samsung
Sound Card: Realtek HD
Speakers/Headphones: LOGITECH 970115-0403 Z-5500 5.1CH 505W SPEAKERS DIGITAL DOLBY PL II
Keyboard & Mouse: Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000
Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP3
Think you would make a good admin? Tell us why: I'm not applying to gain admin powers, but because I believe you guys are pretty cool, because I found out this server is pretty cool, and I want to involve myself as much as possible into it - But, I would make a good admin because I'm very experienced with GTA SA (samp; mta) and I believe I'm mature enough not to take dumb decisions.
Wu Zi Mu Time: 02:24:20Anything else you can think of that will be relevant: Not much, just glad I've found out about SiK and hopefully we'll be clan mates soon. :]