colkiller can be unbanned, but there are red flags to remember.
His ban was not cheat related, he explained that he was talking about a lack of admins - not that it was ok to be cheating (allegedly, I'd need to see his quoted text and translate it to be sure)
There were multiple non-english speaking people there, which is against the rules and is said upon every login, every now and then in chat as well as admins trying to remind people all the time.
The other non-english speaking people did get banned - candysuxx and super-man. When I showed I was an admin, see the logs, it's old now - but when he knew, it was "oops, shit, he heard me!"
That's not going in sync with what he told me "I meant we need admins, not good there are none, or when there are none we can ____" The text is in the logs.
After his banning, he evaded the ban, multiple times, under the same name and some random ones, so his unbanning may be complicated (subsequent bans were automatic, so I wouldn't even know which to look at, not having typed anything). Either way, at the least, Demi sorted something similar yesterday.
If he agrees to observe that while not everyone has to be english, they need to speak it (actual banning was to see what he was hiding, I think translated text would reveal something that would explain how fast he evaded the ban he did get, multipel times, etc etc.
In fact, that's something to consider as well, because look how fast he can just pop over to a new ip like it's nothing... I don't care if he plays - I didn't see him cheat, he just wouldnt tell me what he was saying - and the word admins in it - while others were announcing cheaters and others who were cheating were talking his language - all involved in this way were banned - I don't have anything against him as a worthwhile player as long as he was really saying something that wasn't against the server upon translation. colkiller is the ingame name, like here.
His ban was a bookmarking to which it's done if he is being sly thinking that even if admins werent online, he couldnt be read later, and if he was trying to get them to stop etc etc, he should have explained and not looked so suspect, I explained to meet on the site, here we are. He can be unbanned, but maybe he will still end up with a 10 second time on across country map
hope not.