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Real name: Henrique.
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Gaming name: Razen
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Games you play: League of Legends and GTA SA.
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Previous or current clans and why you left them: [N'C] No'Cry Team - I left [N'C] because I stopped playing, it was in the middle of 2015.
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Country of residence: Brazil.
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Age: 16.
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Computer specs: I just found the following specs
Processor: Pentium(R) dual core CPU E5400 2,7GHz
Graphics card: Intel G41 Chipset
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Why will you be a good addition to SiK?: I can race very well (not as good as the most part of SiK members but I can), I am friendly and a nice guy, also I am always trying to improve myself not only as a "racer" but also as a person.
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Video of you racing on our server: 10 - Serial sent to DemonSeed.
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Anything else you can think of that will be relevant: I have a short free time during the week because I study 8 hours per day (from 8am to 4:30pm GMT-4) and after class I have to train because I am an athlete, so I get home at 8pm GMT-4 and there's only 2/3 hours before I get to bed.
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Did you read the rules fully and understand them?: Yes.
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Paste the answer from the question: [PHS] PotholeStudios
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Skype: It's
henriquedk. but I don't use it very often.