1. Real Name : Batuhan
2. Gaming name : Lauda/Neo
3. Games you play : MTA , LoL , CS:GO
4. Previous or current clans : Previous- uDka, WGS, MAG
5. Country : Turkey
6. Age : 18
7. Computer Specs :
CPU-Intel Core I5 4690K
GPU-Nvidia GTX 970
8. Why will you be a good addition to SiK? Because I want to race for a good clan i tried MAG raced against SiK but all of the members trolled on cw. Now I want to race for serious clan and participate on Clan wars as i can.
9. Video of you racing on our server :
10. PM your serial to admins : I have problems while opening getMTASerial file.
11. Anything else you can think of that will be relevant : I always wanted to have role on cw's it gives me ambition and makes me ambitious about that.And racing for the one of the best clans would be much better than that If you accept me ill do my best to help the clan.
12. Did you read the rules fully and understand them? : Yes
13. Paste the answer from the question : [PHS]PotholeStudios
14. Skype : batuhan_ayyildiz54
Thanks for reading my app