Published on uDka by Lukum, officialy writed by LSR team
When will the event take place? On 10,16,17 January. From 14:00 to 21:00 CET.
What server will host tournament games?
– uDka server 1
- uDka server 2
What time will the event take place? CET – Central European time.
I want to postpone the game to another time, how I can do it?
You can postpone the game only if you came to the agreement with three teams! For example, your game is 15:00, you want to play at 18:00, then you need to contact with your opponents, and teams that play at 18:00, and in case of agreement, they are playing at 15:00, you and your opponent will play at 18:00. You cannot delay the next round! We do tournaments very rarely, try to postpone your plans for the following days.
Pause (fun round) can be set only during the first 10 seconds of the round! Ask to put the fun round in advance! The judge will not put a pause after several turns.
Some Helpful hints: Go to the server in advance! If your game is at 17:00, you should be there at 16:50 – 16:55, otherwise you may cause the delay of the schedule of matches.
Try not to spend too much time on choosing and banning maps, the stage of the draft must take maximum 7-10 minutes.
Maps bans! Study your opponents and ban the favorite maps of your opponent, or maps that you just don't want to play.
Be careful! If your opponent has already chose 2 maps from any class, then it will no longer be able to choose maps in this class!
That’s why you shouldn’t ban the maps of this class, otherwise your ban will be wasted.
Prepare yourself for the tournament: Try to practice as many maps as you can to be ready to any quirk of fate.
Manual for the captains:
Your team must show up in 10 minutes before the match.
In the beginning of a match the judge will appoint you as a captain of your team. After the judge has chosen the captains of each team, you need to press Ctrl+Z, and you will see the captain’s menu.
Now you just have to choose and ban the maps, watch the chat properly to get know when you need to make a choice. Try not to think too long.
To ban a map, select it with one click of the left mouse button, and then pick/ban.
Remember that you can pick only 2 maps from one class! Therefore, it is not necessary to ban a map from the class of “classical” if your opponent already took 2 maps from this class.
Before each round you can change the lineup, your players can join the team by pressing the “F2”.
After your team is ready to play the next round, enter in the chat command “/rdy” to inform the judges that you are ready.
Don't forget that all games are played during two days! Totally 7 games every day, that’s why you should look through the schedule before the tournament and you must attend to it.
- Discussion - Map List - Team Registration - christmas!