Hello SiK!
Its 2 months by today(61st day actually as August had 31 days) and I wonder if this is the day for voting.
If you think I was not active enough to be accepted, I can be SiKr for another month too, thats not a problem for me really.
(-[SiKr] members must now wear this tag for a minimum of 2 months before advancing to the [SiK] tag or as stated above when we feel it is necessary.) That will be really sad for me if I get denied only because of inactivity. I tried to do my best during this period to be active but I don't know if this was enough or not.
As a result, I will respect any decision you make and I want to thank you all for this 2 months period of SiKr. Just ignore my message if this is not the time yet. I am looking forward to be a part of this team.
Kind Regards
Edit: I just realised the message is seen as typed in October 13. It is because of default timezone of the website. I typed the message in October 14 here. lol