Real Name - Brandon
Gaming name - Rah
Games you play - SA:MP, Urban Terror 4.1, Soldier OF Fortune 2, Team Fortress 2, Garrys Mod
Country of residence - Australia
Age - 15
6 - Computer Specs:
Processor: Intel (R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz 3.17GHz
Memory: 4.00GB G-Skill DDR3 RAM
Hard Drive: SATA 500 GB(External)
Video Card: ATi Raedon Gigabyte 4850 @ 1GB
Monitor: BenQ G2020HD
Sound Card: Realtek
Speakers/Headphones: CA thats the logo
Keyboard: Logitech G15
Mouse: Logitech MX518
Mouse Surface: A Mousepad
Operating System: Windows 64bit Vista Ultimite
7 - Think you would make a good admin? Tell us why? Because I have had the experience throughout many different levels of admin, Ive ran leagues and ladders which lasted throughout several years, I can make the right desicions when needed and help anyone in or out of servers with problems found within there games
8 - Wu Zi Mu Time - Guess I have to download something to upload a video and do the race
9 - Anything else you can think of that will be relevant - I follow instructions I keep my nose clean, Im the type of person you can chat too without being ignored unless im going for a record, I will help out on servers and play fairly without any abuse what so ever.