I have been playing in SiK for the past month now and tried to enter today but received the message "Disconnected: Serial is banned".
1) My current in-game name is "#0000FFSilverShot". I started playing as "AlPacino", then "Alex_Pacino", then to this name "SilverShot". The colour was only added a few days ago.
2) No reason for me being banned. The last time I played was last night and I disconnected as normal. I was not banned whilst being in the game so this came as a surprise.
3) Reasons to unban: I'm good challenge, I play fair, I do not cheat, hack, spam or break your rules in any other way. I have game/programming knowledge would like to contribute to the community.
4) 2.13 Ghz Intel Core2, 2gb RAM, 512mb ATI Radeon X1600, Windows XP.
It has been fun playing thank you for the server, but I'm starting to get withdrawls!