NO, and I'm also waiting for a moderator to come and reject your app once and for all. You will also be banned from SiK servers, hopefully you get bans on ffs/SKC, or wherever you play. This gamemode isn't for you, it seems.
Thanks to our friends from the clans you've been into (2RT / zG), we've got enough evidence to prove you're somehow trying to make a mess whenever you're online.
Multiclan / clanhopping - you're applying for SiK while being in uDka at the same time. Noone knows how many times you've been playing for a single clan, considered being "someone else" (been playing for zG under various nicknames).
Faking nicknames - you're using other players' nicknames (I've been told about you playing as McLaren, Blade, Magik...the list seems to be extending every time you're playing). More on 2RT forums: - making a mess on the scene - messing with resources while 2RT had their team tournament, distracting players.
Calling CrF bad names, such as:'s loyalty for fucks sake, really?