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Offline TraxNitro

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Map editor
« on: July 02, 2015, 09:16:33 PM »
hello guys SiK now is one of the best clan ever so we need to have good maps on our server so these some tips can help players with map editor
1. Set up Before you start having fun with map editor, you will have to change some settings. The default settings provided by mta team are not user friendly and just make the using of editor harder. So what you do? Open map editor, in the top main menu select "Options" and make sure everything is set as the first photo in the link
2. Race compatibility The default editor is set for "freeroam" gamemode, you can't add race stuff unless you change gamemode to "race". How to do it? Go to "map settings" in top main menu, then "Gamemodes" tab and double click on "Race" in "Available gamemoder". It will then move to "Added gamemodes" and you can click "ok".
Now, on the left-bottom part, in pickups menu, you will be able to scroll and change through Defaul menu (freeroam) and race. For race you will see: Checkpoint, Race pickup, Spawnpoint, and now you can start making map
Note: in race pickups you can select only "nos" pickup. If you want repair or vehicle change you will have to select nos pickup, press F3 and select it there. F3 opens menu with some usefull stuff, same for checkpoint, be sure to check it out.
3. Keys

W - forward
S - back
A - left
D - right
shift - moving faster (object too)
left alt - moving slower (object too)

arrows - moving object
c - duplicate object
left ctrl + arrows OR page up / page down - rotating objects in different ways
scroll - rotating objects (left right)

4. Useful ID's



(and a few more, they are all in "Signs, Billboards and Statues". Just make sure you use thick billboards, not the skinny ones)

Barriers & walls:

979 (left),
978 (right),
873 (grey one),
981, (road block)
1237, (orange bollard)
3276, (wood fence)
5005, (big airport fence)
7191, (short wall)
8650, (short wall2)
8185 (long wall)


731 (cool looking tree)
726 (cool looking tree2)
730 (cool looking tree3)
768 (cool looking tree4)
727 (cool looking tree5)
698 (3 trees)
791 (lots of big trees - good use as background)
16061 (a few trees - they work very very good as bush)


1290 (2 yellow lights)
1232 (white small)
1231 (white small2)
1215 (white bollard)
3877 (red bollard)
3472 (3 colorfull lights)

Airport roads (for custom circuits):  

you can find them by typing "portl".

Other objects for custom circuits:  

4241, (big sand objects)
10562, (grass)
6959  (square - asphalt)

5. Tips

- Dont ever use F5 to test map - Go to main menu, click on "test" and make sure you select "race"

- Don't place checkpoints at corner - place them before turn or after turn. Just make sure both checkpoints are visible for everyone)

- Don't forgot about repairs

- When you start with your first maps, make them on your local editor, not on our editor server. It's way too bugged for amateurs

- Do not place SMALL checkpoints, everyone hates them!

- Do not place vehicle changes at corners or near it, place them on long straight part to minimize crashing.

- If you have any questions or needs help - ask here.
                                                                                                                                TraxNitro ( thank you flow)

Offline DiegohaN

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Re: Map editor
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2015, 08:24:06 PM »
Maybe you did said a map tester before to accept maps on the server like ffs?


