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Messages - {D00M}

Pages: [1] 2
Announcements / Re: The Big Cheetah Tourney
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:15:41 PM »
A Cheetah tourney? Intwesting, sign me up.  :)

Member Interviews / Re: Interview Sexmaniac
« on: May 10, 2013, 06:58:23 PM »
Once again a very good interview well done!

Glad to get to know more about Sex  :) [BTW: You share your first name "Ruud" with one of my favourite players "Van Nistelrooy", so I picture you looking like him]

Wow you have twins?  :o  how old are your twins? (You said you have been married for more than 19 years). Are they both the same gender or different gender? Fraternal or Identical? ... as you can see, I am quite fascinated with twins.

A big thank you Sexmaniac for all you do, keep being awesome  8)

Sorry for the late response Weet  :-[

I'm not sure if it is just me, but before the forum upgrade, I used to receive PM's straight to my email account, is there a way I can re enable the PM forwarding?

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: Leavin
« on: April 22, 2013, 09:26:20 PM » he dead?

Awaiting confirmation from the Grim_Reeper's death log.

Member Interviews / Re: Interview i514x
« on: April 15, 2013, 11:51:27 PM »
Your nick I am still like dafuq is this shit some kind of cpu or what? So short said could you explain why you picked this nick?

Some say it come from CPU name but it actually doesn't. I just wanted a unique name with which no one will ever come up. The 5 stands for my 5th name in GTA world, 14 is my birthday's day = 14 november.

Oh this reminds me i5. I forgot the nick you first had when I met you in SKC.  Could you remind me for old time's sake?  :-[

A job well done weet, a very enjoyable interview. If you need an interviewee, I volunteer as tribute.

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: SLAYER's application
« on: April 14, 2013, 12:11:21 AM »
Welcome and congrats Slayer. See you ingame.  8)

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: 2nd application for LamericanoO.
« on: December 23, 2012, 06:11:16 PM »
What did I miss?  ???

This might sound like a girl having a orgasm [...]

:o :o

Anyway a big CONGRATS to a new comrade.

Introductions / Re: Introducting Myself ;)
« on: October 27, 2012, 11:28:29 PM »
Welcome to our humble abode. Have fun in the server and forum.

Unless I misinterpreted your thread title, you get points if you are racing against other players or if you break or create a new map record. So as far as I know, you don't earn any points if you are just racing alone on the server.

I want to run the server in peace, but promise not to direct any word to members of [SIK] .... release me so I can go in peace ...

I'm not exactly sure what this is... some form of poetry?  ???
Maybe I am missing something... but what do you want to be released from? Were you banned or something?

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: weet-niks
« on: October 08, 2012, 09:29:01 PM »
Ah sorry bud, I missed the voting procedure  :-[

But here's a belated YES and Congrats from your D00M  >:C

I think I told you this before last year, but every time I see your name, I think of THIS

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: EddY for SiK
« on: October 08, 2012, 09:23:53 PM »
Wow, a couple days of studying and bam, I miss your application  :-[

Well, an obvious Yes from me and Congratulations!

Finally the clan has someone with double dees.  :P

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: hi i like to join again
« on: October 04, 2012, 03:46:08 AM »
So why you lost most of the players nowadays :O

You can have a look here and read through the threads. Usually there is a comment at the end of each thread by DemonSeed commenting why the person was either kicked or not accepted.

It could be because of prolonged inactivity/cheating/abuse/betrayal.

Introductions / Re: weet-niks
« on: October 04, 2012, 03:40:40 AM »
I know that feeling; after playing with custom cars for a long time, you kinda forget how the vanilla cars handle. But after a day or three, you get the hang of it and actually get better with both. You quickly get used to handling changes such that any new car you drive, you are able to adapt within a minute.
Bullshit dude :P

SKC have game speed set to 1.05!

 :o all this time I thought it was my damn ping.

Introductions / Re: weet-niks
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:07:00 PM »
You are Still Alive!click me  :o

Of course I know you Yannick ::], glad to see you and welcome to the SiK forum and server.  8)   

some say i am good on skc but i really suck for now on sik xD maybe just getting jused to

I know that feeling; after playing with custom cars for a long time, you kinda forget how the vanilla cars handle. But after a day or three, you get the hang of it and actually get better with both. You quickly get used to handling changes such that any new car you drive, you are able to adapt within a minute.

But in the meantime, get used to my rearview mirror  :P

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: i514x's Application
« on: September 28, 2012, 07:07:07 PM »
Congratz i5! and welcome to SiK. You are now in the recruits and will wear this tag [SiKr] for two or so months before a second vote is commenced by members. After-which you will advance to [SiK] status if members accede.

I look forward to seeing you on the server, been a while since I had a race with you.  8)

Denied Or Left Applications / Re: ZaXeR's app
« on: September 27, 2012, 10:06:11 PM »
A belated YES from me  :P

Congratulations Zax

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