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Messages - startsevaRUS

Pages: [1]
Denied Or Left Applications / Startseva's application
« on: April 26, 2017, 03:09:25 PM »
1. Real Name: Nate

2. Gaming Name: Startseva

3. Games you play: MTA

4. Previous or current clans: AFE

5. Country of residence: Russia

6. Age: 18+

7. Computer specs:

8. Why will you be a good addiction to SiK? afe noobs sik rules

9. Video of you racing on our server:

10. PM your Serial to your admins: pm

11. Anything else you can think of that will be revelant: much respect sik , afe total disaster.

12. Did you read the rules fully and understand them? Yes.

13. Paste the answer from the question: [PHS] PotholeStudios

14. Skype: pm

Pages: [1]
