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Messages - Ferrari1

Pages: [1]
Denied Or Left Applications / Ferrari1 Application
« on: May 08, 2016, 04:36:57 PM »
1 - Real Name:

2 - Gaming name:

3 - Games you play:
MTA, CS GO, Black Ops 2, Black Ops 3

4 - Previous or current clans:
[N'C] I liked it in this clan no fun made the Games
[SSR] The clan's too bad we have too few players in this clan

5 - Country of residence:

6 - Age:

7 - Computer Specs:
Intel Core i7-4500U CPU 1.80 GHz 2.40 GHz
NVIDIA Geforce 750m

8 - Why will you be a good addition to SiK?
I am an active Player
I am a good racer I want to be a part of the clan, I would like to learn from you and improve my skills

9 - Video of you racing on our server:
Excuse my laptop is so bad when I'm the rec because even so bad I am much much better but it lags all because my laptop sry

10 - anything else you can think of that will be relevant: SiK is the best clan, I habe write this app with Google translate my eglish is bad sry ;(

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